Exercise, diet best solutions to cellulite By Al Varela Dear Al: In the last year I have noticed more dimply areas on my hips, legs and buttocks. Can you tell me if there is a lotion or cream available to help get rid of or minimize the cellulite on my body? You didn't share your age in your question, so I would begin by guessing that you are probably a woman about 30. For most women this is the age when they detect their first signs of cellulite. In fact, 99 percent of women develop some fat after that age. The problem of cellulite is a complex one. You can blame part of it on genetics and much of it is due to aging. Estrogen levels drop and years of sun damage cause the skin to lose its elasticity. The skin no longer has that resiliency of youth. At the same time, the fibers that secure the skin to the muscles below begins to stretch. As we age, the extra pounds that we put on appear on the skin as dimply fat or cellulite. So what do we do about it? There are products made to minimize cellulite, but these product lines always advise you that the most effective treatment is for women to watch their diet, exercise regularly with even some weight training and drink plenty of water. Creams available for cellulite treatment usually contain diuretic herbal ingredients, caffeine and some alpha-hydroxy acid that can give temporary relief to cellulite problems. Many women have experienced incredible results using "Cellulium" and "Contouring Body Oil" from Decleor. These products were developed specifically for what Decleor refers to as "orange peel skin". You can make cellulite less noticeable by using a self-tanner to even out the skin tones, making the dimples less obvious. Also, fat dimples can be broken up with deep tissue massage. Some people resort to liposuction or nips and tucks by a plastic surgeon to rid themselves of cellulite. But even with these methods, doctors want the patient to be as close to their ideal weight in order to show the effectiveness of such procedures. Dimples on a face can be a part of a beautiful smile, but by working at some basics we can begin to make sure that those dimples don't pop up somewhere else. |