Concealer helps hide dark circles under eyes By Al Varela A reader wants to know: I have dark circles under my eyes and no matter how I apply my makeup I can't seem to cover them. What can I do to make these circles less noticeable? Is there anything that I can do to lighten the area around my eyes? Many times circles and darkness around the eye area is caused by heredity. Some women are predisposed to have this area darker during menses. For others it is a simple matter of getting more rest and drinking plenty of water. Regardless, this is probably the most troublesome area for most women. Methods to cover such areas can vary from person to person. I feel that only using a concealer is not always the solution to this problem, since a concealer by itself can often times result in the dreaded "raccoon" look. First, make sure that the color of concealer you use is similar to the color of your skin. Most women will make the mistake of choosing colors lighter than their skin tone in an attempt to lighten the eye area. Remember to examine the skin color undertones and try to use concealer colors that are opposite of that color. For example if your skin tone has a blue undertone, do not use a concealer that has a pink undertone. Blue and pink make purple which will make the skin appear darker. Use a yellow base tone instead to cut some of the blue tone in the skin. I prefer concealers that are cream based so that the texture is lighter in feel. Cream base concealers have a less waxy feel than concealer sticks and can be easier to apply for everyday use. Dot the concealer under your eye area and only concentrate on the area that has the darker color. Place the concealer onto the problem area using a sponge, brush or your fingertips and pat into place. Do not use stroking movements under your eye as this will tug and pull on the most fragile skin of the face. Dust with a translucent powder. Avoid using a powder that has any pigment as it will darken the area you are trying to lighten. Finally, always use a small amount of foundation over this area to give an evenly blended tone to match the rest of the face. My best advice to women who have dark circles is to avoid wearing dark eyeshadow colors toward the inner eye area. Place a lighter colored eyeshadow on the inner eye area and then blend a darker, contrasting color towards the outer edge. |