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(Defines search parameters.)


All -         This selection searches for exact phrases.  Example: If you search for

               "comfortable shave" only this exact phrase will be returned.

Any -       This selection searches for matches of the keywords in any order.  Example: If you                search for "comfortable shave" any page containing these words will be displayed.

Boolean - This selection searches using boolean operators.  Example: (and, or, not)



(Defines how results are displayed.)


Long -      Displays search results with a link title and a brief description.

Short -     Displays search results as a link title only.


Sort By

(Defines how results are sorted.)


Score -    Matches to your query are displayed in ascending order according to a star rating.

Time -     Matches to your query are displayed in ascending order based on the date of publication.

Title -      Matches to your query are displayed in ascending alphabetical order of the title.

Reverse Score -  Same as score but in descending order.

Reverse Time  -  Same as time but in descending order.

Reverse Title   -  Same as title but in descending order.